Company Soulchrony Portrait
Capturing the Besoulment of a Company’s Drive
When capturing a company’s spirit, we often focus on and document people at work. While powerful and inspirational, this approach can sometimes emphasize more the individuals and specific moments in time, rather than the deeper value of the invisible dedication and drive that form a company’s intangible, timeless foundation.
A Soulchrony photograph shifts the focus to the often overlooked traces left behind in the silence of the workspace, where the pure, unmanipulated artistry of the heart can be found that tells the story of a company’s invisible besoulment. Stories that connect the realm of the founder’s past, with the present, and future. Timeless stories reflecting the drive of a shared dedication, authenticity, and the unseen presence of the soul that makes a company unique.
These artfully crafted photographs are more than portraits to hang in your office, meeting room or workspace; they are unique priceless works of art, created from within by the very besoulment of the people who shape the company each day.
A Soulchrony offers an original approach for companies seeking inspiration for corporate and marketing communication, celebrating memorable moments, a bridge to connect with clients, employees and stakeholders, or aligning more deeply with core values and authenticity through timeless art created from within.
Additionally, there is the Soulchrony Rootsource Alignment Book, which can be used as a strategic time capsule, combining a complete photographic documentation with symbolic texts that define your company’s core essence; it’s rootsource. This rootsource can be found through a systemic approach, tracing back to the origins of the founders and found in the quiet dynamics of daily work.
This timeless document, crafted into a handmade book and case, provides inspiration, grounding, and guidance for strengthening your company’s positioning or navigating transitions, including leadership changes, mergers, or acquisitions.
A Soulchrony is more than an investment or a gift; it is a unique way to tell the world—and yourself—the story of who you are and what you stand for as a company.
“Our Soulchrony photographs are proudly displayed in the meeting room as a tribute to our company and to tell clients who we are in what we do. Besides a great gift for our staff, the Soulchrony book is used as a zero point, to start a dialoque with ourselves to develop and actualise our identity and define in detail the company's mission."
Jurjen Lemstra, Co-Founding Partner
Lemstra Van der Korst, Boutique Law Firm
“Our Soulchrony aligned my intuition with the soul of our company. The final document became instrumental in ordering a new state of the art super yacht transport vessel that exceeded all previous safety and technological expectations.
We just need to be reminded of our natural values to open new doors to the future.”
Richard Klabbers
M.D. DYT Super Yacht Transport
“The beautiful and profound process of the Soulchrony made by Jasper Faber, has brought our company to the core of who and what we are. In addition to Jasper's storytelling photos and texts, we have established core values that are applied daily in every fiber of our company. So, not just pretty words on the wall but behaviour that stems from our roots."
Anton Van den Berg, Allied Forces Consultancy